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Why You Should Switch to a Clean Beauty Routine

Make It Classy Team

Here at Make It Classy, we promote clean beauty routines and we make each one of our products with this in mind. While you may be aware of the benefits of switching to clean beauty, you may not be aware of the dangers of using harmful chemical-based products and why it’s important to dump them. Here are our 4 top reasons to switch to a clean beauty routine. 

“Fragrance” can contain up to 3,000 chemicals

Avoid products that list “fragrance” on the ingredient list. Companies are not required to list what ingredients make up the fragrance scent. This can cause skin irritations and harmful reactions. Opt for plant-based essential oils instead. Our Zealous Zoya Body Butter and Majestic Maya Body Scrub are made up of only authentic essential oils without the harmful fragrance.

The average woman applies 200 chemicals per day

The average woman uses 10-12 products per day. If each product has 10-12 toxic ingredients, including, carcinogens and allergens, women are being exposed to harsh chemicals with lasting effects. 

More than 1,300 toxic beauty ingredients are banned outside the US

The United States still allows more than 1,300 toxic ingredients banned in other countries. Are those ingredients in your beauty routine? Probably so.

Your skin absorbs over 60% of what you apply

Exposing yourself to toxic ingredients can slowly seep into your skin over time and cause major health concerns. 

At Make It Classy, we never use artificial fragrances or any other toxic ingredients. Now is the perfect time to switch to a clean beauty routine.


By Lourrain Simon

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