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How to Have a Safe Friendsgiving During a Pandemic

Make It Classy Team

Tags Wellness

Friendsgiving is known to be an opportunity to get your best group of friends together for a night and share gratitude through laughs, stories, photos, and most importantly food!

It has always been something to look forward to during the start of the holidays after dealing with the stress of work at the office, doing overtime, and all of those hours spent commuting. This time around however, it will be quite different than what we’ve known to experience. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we go about running things, and especially how we socialize with our friends. 

Social distancing has been proven by the CDC  to reduce the spread of the coronavirus disease by keeping at least six feet apart from other individuals that aren’t from your household. It’s also highly encouraged to wear a mask while social distancing during gatherings and events that may lead to crowding.

So what does this mean for a social gathering like Friendsgiving? It means that we have to be safer than ever to protect ourselves and our friends, even if it means dealing with some inconveniences here and there. There are two ways that a socially distanced Friendsgiving can still have magic this year. 

An Outdoor Gathering 

We can allow for socially distanced Friendsgiving in an open, outdoor area. Whether it be someone’s backyard, a park, or a nice view at the top of a hike, the great outdoors is a safe environment to come together with six friends or less and enjoy some comfort food while catching up on each other’s lives. That sounds like this year’s ultimate and safe Friendsgiving! Being out in the open also allows for more space to socially distance, so your group of friends can simply bring a few large blankets to place on the grass and maintain an appropriate distance from each other.

You could even go all out by bringing chairs, pillows, and even a small table to set everything on. In an open space, anything is possible and it’s much easier to practice social distancing. You can even use this outdoor experience to start a new tradition for Friendsgiving!

A Virtual Event

During the holidays, everyone takes different routes to go back home. If you work in a different city than where you live or you moved out of state for work, it’s likely that you and your group of friends don’t all live in the same area. Many people go out of town for Thanksgiving, while others stay home. This can make it hard to get together with friends physically for a safe Friendsgiving.

Because of the pandemic, the virtual world has gained more popularity, especially platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and HouseParty. Why not set up a time with friends to schedule a virtual Friendsgiving? This way, everyone can eat whatever they want, and there is no need for social distancing if everyone is in their own household.

A virtual event like this can make you feel more gratitude towards your friends and can even allow for activities like movie-watching or having a spa night together. There are many ways to get creative virtually that also allow new bonding moments to form in groups of friends.  

Whether you’re celebrating Friendsgiving this year physically or virtually, it’s important to practice social distancing and mask-wearing to keep you and those around you safe. 


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